The Woes of Disappointment

We’ve all experienced it; utter disappointment. When you have your hopes up thinking the potential of whatever it may be is astronomical. It can change your life and/or those who are lucky enough to be involved. Because in your dreamy mind: it is undoubtable. It’s 100% possible to shoot for the stars and have that shit land on THE MOON.

And then, we also all know that sometimes relying on other people, outside circumstances, and really anything that’s out of your direct control can go sideways real fast.

It’s easy (and I’ve fallen down this hole far too many times myself) to curse any and every thing surrounding such circumstance and wish it all to hell. And it somehow validates a little more than to just accept things and move forward. Because who wants to do that?

The things is: you don’t have control over everything. You just don’t. And as frustrating as it can be, it’s life. Whether it’s a friend letting you down, a lover breaking your heart, or a family member dropping the ball, many life-related situations will always have other components.

The best you can do is do your personal best. Try as best as you can. Be transparent, be resilient, be strong and regardless of others’ actions, you can know, to your core, that you gave it your all.




To Be Alive


Color Can Raise the Dead