Your Brand, Brand Identity, and Brand Strategy Aren’t One in the Same
It’s important to know the different between your brand, brand identity, and brand strategy because they’re not one in the same. 🗣️🗣️🗣️ I know, it’s confusing. 🤪 A lot of people (both clients and others) assume branding is basically a logo and colors and it’s far more detailed, informed, and robust than that.
Your brand is the perception of you and/or your business by the people who experience it. Your brand lives in the minds of clients, employees, social media scrollers, etc. The branding process helps shape how people recognize your business, how they think or feel about it, and how they engage with it. Those elements influence your clients’ purchasing behaviors.
Your brand identity is the visual-side of your business. This is what people commonly associate with the term “branding:” logo, color palette, fonts, photography, design style, etc.
Your brand strategy is the process of gathering and analyzing nitty-gritty information about your ideal clients and noteworthy competitors, establishing your values and roles, identifying solutions, and mapping out the action items to your clients’ problems (the ones that you’re here to help with). Remember: your brand strategy evolves and is not meant to be written in stone. Ideal clients might shift over time. Marketing vehicles may become outdated. Core values may expand.
I created the WTF Am I Doing guide and workbook for budding and growing entrepreneurs and all things branding are addressed from the very beginning. It’s 32 pages of brand guidance and prompts/questions for all you entrepreneurs who are wanting to DIY-it or are wanting to get your ducks in a row before working with a brand designer/strategist.