Grand Entrance

You know the feeling of the moment right BEFORE you do something big?

Like, you’re standing at the edge of the 7.5 meter diving platform getting ready to jump for the first time. Or you’re reaching for the doorknob as you walk in to the first day of a new job. Maybe you’re attending a fancy dinner party and everyone’s eyes will be on you when you walk in.👀

Adrenaline is high and nerves are activated. Your mind is all over the place planting weird, negative scenarios for reasons you should NOT do whatever it is that you’re planning on doing.


you plunge into the pool and the bubbles float up the side of your body.

you walk out at the end of a supportive first day alongside your new work-friend.

you belly laugh over dessert and everyone disregards ‘table manners.’

The build up finally releases and the dopamine floods your brain activity. Ahhh. The blissful sensation of reward, completion, courage.

I’ve been feeling this edge-of-the-platform, reaching-for-the-door, stepping-into-the-dining-room energy accumulate a lot this year. It’s not super comfortable and you kinda sorta maybe want to do anything other than the thing.

So I decided to claim the thing and let it serve is an entrance point to what’s next for me. This thing is called Grand Entrance, and it’s an online art show hosted on my Instagram and Facebook stories this Friday, July 28, at 12pm ET.

This is show is the start of a new era for me. Nbd.

I haven’t made my artwork available for purchase (aside from commissions) since 2019…! And I have a strong feeling that as I continue on, my work will be treasured and dare I say in demand?! 🙊

Creating something, as a form of expression, into a tangible, relatable, and beautiful THING really is magical. From my soul into your hands. *Here she goes with the woo woo shit. ;)

But for real, taking the discomfort and moving through it ain’t no easy task. So I appreciate you being here and sharing these moments with me.

Here are a few sneak peeks of some work that will be displayed and available for purchase:

Catch ya on the ‘gram and FB this Friday!

P.S. Feel free to email me with any questions


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Easily & Effortlessly